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Top Tips on Camper Trailer Finance

Written by Ken Edwards | 22 May, 2017


Some people like to stay in the best hotels. Others love their caravans. Many think that a tent is the only reasonable solution for a familyholiday. Of course, then there are the people who love their camper trailers. They are those rare individuals who can’t make their mind up between a tent and a caravan! 

A camper trailer is a very good option for all sorts of holidays. A camper trailer with a single axle is much easier to tow and reverse than a double axel and it and uses less fuel to pull. All in all, a camper trailer is a useful piece of kit and is much cheaper than a caravan to purchase, with many of them are designed to go off road as well.



What is the best type of camper trailer that suits your needs ? The first type of camper trailer has a swing out tent, uses the trailer for storage, has the option of additional annexes and has a double or queen sized bed directly on top of the trailer. This type of trailer has two different types of flooring – hard or soft. The soft floor usually provides the most floor space, whilst a hard floor gives you a solid, protective surface to walk on.

The second type of camper trailer actually looks like a caravan, but has tent like walls that can be wound up (manually or electronically) with a hard roof, like on a regular caravan. They look like asquashed caravan and are easier to erect than the swing out camper trailers. However, they can be heavier to tow and more expensive to purchase.



Convenience: With a swing out camper trailer, it can often take 2 people to set up and take down and you may have to peg out a tent section as well. Some of the newer models advertise that they can be set up by one person. These are top-of-the-range camper trailers. The wind up camper trailers are faster to erect and can be erected by one person.

Off road: If you want to go off road with your camper trailer, your trailer needs heavy duty construction, including suspension, tyres, brakes and hitch. More expensive than a regular camper trailer, be sure that you want an off road camper trailer, before you spend your hard earned money.

Towing capacity of your vehicle: Know the towing capacity of your vehicle. Don't buy a camper trailer that is too heavy for you to tow. It is wise to consider the age and condition of your vehicle and if you are unsure about the capacity of your vehicle to tow a camper trailer, check with your mechanic for their recommendation.

Stone guards: Stones can be flicked up by the camper trailer when driving and break or damage the rear window of your vehicle, so it is wise to have a stone guard fitted to the front of your trailer. Be sure to ask whether a stone guard is included in your purchase price or not.

Mattresses: For most people, the reason they buy a camper trailer over a tent is that they have a wonderful bed with a real mattress. Check the type of the mattress that comes with your camper trailer. 

Kitchen: A swing out kitchen with a sink and running water, gas stove and a food preparation area is everyone’s dream in a camper trailer. Add a swing out food cooler and you will be in camper trailer heaven. 


1800Approved is an award winning finance broker - Australia's Broker of the Year for 2016 !  We have helped tens of thousands own their dream camper trailer. Let us help you find the best boat camper trailer rates in Australia today. Call us at 1800 277 768. No obligation.